The average house price on HOLT PARK VIEW is £378,271
The most expensive house in the street is 6 HOLT PARK VIEW with an estimated value of £499,354
The cheapest house in the street is 1 HOLT PARK VIEW with an estimated value of £144,453
The house which was most recently sold was 1 HOLT PARK VIEW, this sold on 14 May 2019 for £116,000
The postcode for HOLT PARK VIEW is LS16 7SP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HOLT PARK VIEW Detached £144,453 £116,000 14 May 2019
3 HOLT PARK VIEW Detached , 135 m2 £402,297 £275,000 18 Jun 2015
4 HOLT PARK VIEW Detached , 115 m2 £357,272 £283,000 9 Mar 2018
5 HOLT PARK VIEW Detached £487,980 £245,000 30 Jun 2004
6 HOLT PARK VIEW Detached £499,354 £107,030 21 Oct 1998